
重點中心 Mini Hubs

The source of Bible verses & 經文與 Strong’s system of the original word meanings 原文字典資料(史特朗經文匯編) from 由 「The Bible Society in Taiwan 台灣聖經公會」 和 AND 「blueletterbible.com 藍字聖經網」 提供。
恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
祖宗十八代及其後 Mini Hub 18 Generations Plus 
重要時機 Mini Hub Critical Juncture 
鞍點 Mini Hub Saddle Point 
Use this link if you cannot view the links to THE OTHER blogging set.
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
Please click chart for large chart.)  

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC 

瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham 

"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.

看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus 

Please click chart for large chart.) 

(一) 鞍點 Saddle Point
. . 1) 其他中心 Mini Hub
. . http://minihub.blogspot.com/
. . 2) 有助的網址 Helful Plus Useful URLs
. . http://helfulplususefulurls.blogspot.com/
. . . . A) 古希伯萊文及古希臘文 Ancient Hebrew and ancient Greek URLs
. . . . http://ancienthebrewandancientgreekurls.blogspot.com/
. . . . B) 中日韓越 Chinese Japanese Korean Vietnamese URLs
. . . . http://chinesejapanesekoreanvietnameseur.blogspot.com/
. . . . C) 菲律賓語言字典 These Philippine Dictionaries
. . . . http://thesephilippinedictionaries.blogspot.com/
. . . . D) 夏威夷語言字典 Basic Hawaiian Dictionary
. . . . http://helpfulbasichawaiindictionary.blogspot.com/
. . 3) 字母 The Look and sound of Alphabets
. . http://thelookandsoundofalphabets.blogspot.com/
(二) 重要時機 Critical Juncture
. . 1) 耶穌 Relating To Jesus
. . http://relatingtojesus.blogspot.com/
. . 2) 摩西 Relating To Moses
. . http://relatingtomoses.blogspot.com/
. . 3) 十字架七言 The 7 Speeches On The Cross
. . http://the7speechesonthecross.blogspot.com/
. . 4) 第一個王掃羅1st King of Israel
. . http://1stkingofisrael.blogspot.com/
(三) 祖宗十八代及其後 18 Generations Plus
. . 1) 亞當 Relating To Adam
. . http://relatingtoadam.blogspot.com/
. . 2) 閃 Relating to Shem
. . http://relatingtoshem.blogspot.com/
. . 3) 含 Relating to Ham
. . http://relatingtoham.blogspot.com/
. . 4) 雅弗 Relating to Japheth
. . http://relatingtojapheth.blogspot.com/
. . 5) 輩份名單 The Generation By Group
. . http://thegenerationbygroup.blogspot.com/

中國歷史 The world around China

The source of Bible verses & 經文與 Strong’s system of the original word meanings 原文字典資料(史特朗經文匯編) from 由 「The Bible Society in Taiwan 台灣聖經公會」 和 AND 「blueletterbible.com 藍字聖經網」 提供。
恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
祖宗十八代及其後 Mini Hub 18 Generations Plus 
重要時機 Mini Hub Critical Juncture 
鞍點 Mini Hub Saddle Point 
Use this link if you cannot view the links to THE OTHER blogging set.
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
Please click chart for large chart.)  

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC 

瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham 

"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.

看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus 

Please click chart for large chart.) 

1) 西周 The 841 BC
2) 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
3) 非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa
4) 光宗耀祖 Honor The Forefathers
5) 拉結生 Rachel sons

提出探討 Discussions

The source of Bible verses & 經文與 Strong’s system of the original word meanings 原文字典資料(史特朗經文匯編) from 由 「The Bible Society in Taiwan 台灣聖經公會」 和 AND 「blueletterbible.com 藍字聖經網」 提供。
恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
祖宗十八代及其後 Mini Hub 18 Generations Plus 
重要時機 Mini Hub Critical Juncture 
鞍點 Mini Hub Saddle Point 
Use this link if you cannot view the links to THE OTHER blogging set.
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
Please click chart for large chart.)  

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC 

瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham 

"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.

看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus 

Please click chart for large chart.) 

提出探討的內容 The Discussions Box

洪水(中國人)綱要 The Flood and Chinese

The source of Bible verses & 經文與 Strong’s system of the original word meanings 原文字典資料(史特朗經文匯編) from 由 「The Bible Society in Taiwan 台灣聖經公會」 和 AND 「blueletterbible.com 藍字聖經網」 提供。
恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
祖宗十八代及其後 Mini Hub 18 Generations Plus 
重要時機 Mini Hub Critical Juncture 
鞍點 Mini Hub Saddle Point 
Use this link if you cannot view the links to THE OTHER blogging set.
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
Please click chart for large chart.)  

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC 

瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham 

"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.

看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus 

Please click chart for large chart.) 

中國人的姓、根、歷史、與文化的探討, 歡迎各人的說法。
姓、根、歷史、與文化 What Is Chinese About?
整體概念 The Works Base http://theworksbase.blogspot.com/

(一)姓氏 The Origin Of Chinese Family Name
(一) 字 group 1
. . 1A) 拼字一 Construct Chinese 1
. . . . . http://constructchinese1.blogspot.com/
. . 1B) 匹配一 Construct Chinese 2
. . . . . http://constructchinese2.blogspot.com/
(一) 用字 group 2
. . 2A) 聯想一 associate meaning 1
. . . . . http://associatemeaning1.blogspot.com/
. . 2B) 聯音一 associate sound 1
. . . . . http://associatesound1.blogspot.com/
. . 2C) 聯意(希伯萊文)用一 associate apply meaning 1
. . . . . http://associateapplymeaning1.blogspot.com/
(一) 記事 Group3
. . 3A) 記事字 Facts By Words
. . . . . http://factsbywords.blogspot.com/
. . 3B) 分析記事 Sort Facts
. . . . . http://sortfacts.blogspot.com/
. . 3C) 輩份之分 By Generations
. . . . . http://bygenerations.blogspot.com/
. . 3D) 輩份不分 Mix Generations
. . . . . http://mixgenerations.blogspot.com/

(二)中文的開始 The Beginning Use Of Chinese
(二) 探討洪水 group 1
. . 1A) 1-祖宗十八代 The Flood 18 Generations
. . . . . http://theflood18generations.blogspot.com/
. . 1B) 1-根 The Genealogy Side Of The Flood
. . . . . http://thegenealogysideoftheflood.blogspot.com/
. . 1C) 1-太極 Tai Chi originated in ancient Greek
. . . . . http://taichioriginatedinancientgreek.blogspot.com/
. . 1Ci) 1i-提出(隨, 易經第IV卦) The Discussion Item 4
. . . . . http://thediscussionitem4.blogspot.com/
(二) 探討洪水 group 2
. . 2A) 2-人、家 The Flood And Science Human
. . . . . http://thefloodandsciencehuman.blogspot.com/
. . 2B) 2-亞當、巴別 The Flood And Language
. . . . . http://thefloodandlanguage.blogspot.com/
. . 2C) 2-草木 The Flood And Science Living Things
. . . . . http://thefloodandsciencelivingthings.blogspot.com/
. . 2D) 2-神的定義 The Flood And Science Earth
. . . . . http://thefloodandscienceearth.blogspot.com/
(二) 探討洪水 group 3
. . 3A) 3-舜、堯、禪、虞、禹 In Charge After The Flood
. . . . . http://inchargeaftertheflood.blogspot.com/

其他 Other blogs

The source of Bible verses & 經文與 Strong’s system of the original word meanings 原文字典資料(史特朗經文匯編) from 由 「The Bible Society in Taiwan 台灣聖經公會」 和 AND 「blueletterbible.com 藍字聖經網」 提供。
恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
祖宗十八代及其後 Mini Hub 18 Generations Plus 
重要時機 Mini Hub Critical Juncture 
鞍點 Mini Hub Saddle Point 
Use this link if you cannot view the links to THE OTHER blogging set.
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
Please click chart for large chart.)  

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC 

瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham 

"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.

看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus 

Please click chart for large chart.) 

1) The Holy Bible and your correct readings
2) The 3 and the 6 days of the Creations in the Bible
3) Jesus in the book of Isaiah